At Chad’s Fishing Charters we try to help everyone in catching more fish. the tips below should give you some basic knowledge to assist you on the river. Remember that the Chilliwack/Vedder is a very busy river system and crowds are common due to the large returns of fish. Not everyone thinks the same and nether does the fish. Pick your area and pay attention to what is going on around you. The most important advice is to share this great resource with others, show respect and enjoy your day on the water.
- Bait. Salmon roe is the best chance; you buy pre-made spawn sacks to save time and mess. Salmon roe eggs should be dyed or cured for best result.
- Yarn. Or wool is very popular. It is easy to use and you have a wide variety of yarn to choose from. Mixing colors together is recommended. I.e. Pink and white or orange and Chartreuse. Keep the size small. When the river is colored, use larger sizes. Range from a pea size to nickel sizes. Popular colors for coho include Peaches, Pinks, orange, chartreuse. Remember to mix it up if you are not catching. All the colors work but conditions change. The color of the river, temperatures, natural light and fishing pressure. If you find a combo and size that works – try it often.
- Lures- Spinners on nickel, brass or copper all work well. Try different ones in a variety of sizes. Smaller when the river is clear. Spinners can be fished on a float, bounced or slow retrieve. The key is making the spinner spin slow or flutter.
- Spoons- Weighted spoons are fish straight on the line using or spin reel or level wind. Cast upstream, allow to sink and then hold, drop or slow retrieve depending on the speed of current. Keep it just off the bottom for the best results. Hanging spoons up can get expensive.
- Jigs- Fly like marabou jigs are deadly for salmon and steelhead. You can fish these on a float, just cast into the current or working the dead water. They are weighted but extra weight may be needed. The float system works very well. Simply hung below the float as bait or yarn using a natural drift where the current or wave activates the jig. Simple and effective.
- Flies- Fly fishing can be very productive. It takes more effort and knowledge to fish flies in the current and keep them in the zone. The best part is the rewards of this challenge. The key is getting your fly into the zone or area that the fish would consider to offering. Dead drifting egg patterns are recommended. Minnows and others should be swung dropped of slowly retrieved. The best lines are floating with appropriate sink tips depending on the depth and current speed. Lots of patterns to choose from, remember the colors mentioned above. Minnow patterns, flashy flies and egg patterns are some other options to try.